One on the Way! Prenatal is a proven offering from Beach List Direct, Inc. It is full of expectant mothers, eager to learn and provide the best way of life for their soon to be “bundle of joy.” These mothers-to-be change their buying habits from the inside out, now that their role in the world is about to change. They are ideal candidates for all baby products as well as magazine subscriptions, exercise & fitness products, credit cards, clothing, furniture, investments, insurance and financial services, automobiles, newsletters, informational offerings, pampering products, beauty products, and more.
The One on the Way! Prenatal Database features first time moms and moms with children already in the home that are expecting as well. Approximately 64% of these mothers are experienced mothers with a child or children already in the home, and 36% are first time mothers.
Source: 100% Self Reported through Lifestyle Questionnaires