About Us
Since 1994 Beach List Direct has provided quality direct response mailing lists to marketing professionals. We specialize in:
Active and Frequent Political and Charitable Donors
Featured Donor Categories:
Conservative Republican Donors
Liberal Democratic Donors
Charitable Donors by Cause
Active Military & Veterans
In the last 20 years, philanthropic contributing and donating has been growing and has become an even more important and visible part of American society. Fundraising by non-profit and political organizations of all kinds has grown to be a major component of the direct marketing industry.
Beach List Direct can help you reach these engaged and committed individuals. We know when they donate, how much they donate, how often they donate and the causes to which they donate.
Beach list also specializes in the following top categories:
Medical and Health Care Target Audiences
Life Event Triggers
Consumers By Behavior & Lifestyle
Insurance Holders & Prospects
Education/Occupation/Job Changers
B2B: Small Businesses/New Businesses