Beach List Direct presents the International & Humanitarian Cause Donors file. These contributors want to make the world a better place by helping the downtrodden, encouraging worldwide good will, and researching ways to cure diseases and heal the earth. These generous donors are determined to improve everything around them through charity and involvement.
Their donations go towards food for the hungry and poverty-stricken, as well as to international humanitarian issues. These funds also support research & medical organizations, eco-friendly preservation methods & techniques, and homeless nonprofits & charities.
Universe Counts
Donors to Food Bank/Hunger/Poverty Causes = 187,145
Donors to Green Causes = 168,460
Donors to Humanitarian Causes = 157,101
Donors to International Causes = 140,957
Donors to International & Food Bank Causes = 94,268
Donors to International & Health/Medical Causes = 85,671
Donors to International & Homeless Causes = 77,750
Source: Direct Mail